(PuTTYユーザマニュアルの日本語訳) 6.2 PSFTPを実行する - 6.2 Running PSFTP

http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/0.60/htmldoc/Chapter6.html#psftp-commandsの日本語訳。<< 6.1 PSFTPを始める - 目次に戻る - 6.3 PSFTPで公開キー認証を使う >>


PSFTPのセッションを始めると、psftp> プロンプトが現れます。コマンド入力でファイルを転送できます。このセクションでは、利用可能なコマンドを一覧にします。

Once you have started your PSFTP session, you will see a psftp> prompt. You can now type commands to perform file-transfer functions. This section lists all the available commands.

6.2.1 PSFTPコマンドでの一般的なクォート規則 - 6.2.1 General quoting rules for PSFTP commands

PSFTPのコマンドがスペースで区切られている場合には、通常はPSFTPコマンドインタプリタはそのコマンドを複数の単語として扱います。例えば、ren oldfilename newfilenameというコマンドは、三つの単語からなります。ren(コマンド名)、oldfilename(名前を変えるファイルの名前)、そして、newfilename(そのファイルの新しい名前)です。

Most PSFTP commands are considered by the PSFTP command interpreter as a sequence of words, separated by spaces. For example, the command ren oldfilename newfilename splits up into three words: ren (the command name), oldfilename (the name of the file to be renamed), and newfilename (the new name to give the file).


Sometimes you will need to specify file names that contain spaces. In order to do this, you can surround the file name with double quotes. This works equally well for local file names and remote file names:

psftp> get "spacey file name.txt" "save it under this name.txt"


The double quotes themselves will not appear as part of the file names; they are removed by PSFTP and their only effect is to stop the spaces inside them from acting as word separators.


If you need to use a double quote (on some types of remote system, such as Unix, you are allowed to use double quotes in file names), you can do this by doubling it. This works both inside and outside double quotes. For example, this command

psftp> ren ""this"" "a file with ""quotes"" in it"

これににより、現在(先頭と末尾がダブルクォートの)"this"という名前のファイルは、"quotes" in itという名前に変わります。

will take a file whose current name is "this" (with a double quote character at the beginning and the end) and rename it to a file whose name is a file with "quotes" in it.


(The one exception to the PSFTP quoting rules is the ! command, which passes its command line straight to Windows without splitting it up into words at all. See section 6.2.19.)

6.2.2 PSFTPワイルドカード - 6.2.2 Wildcards in PSFTP


Several commands in PSFTP support ‘wildcards’ to select multiple files.


For local file specifications (such as the first argument to put), wildcard rules for the local operating system are used. For instance, PSFTP running on Windows might require the use of *.* where PSFTP on Unix would need *.


For remote file specifications (such as the first argument to get), PSFTP uses a standard wildcard syntax (similar to POSIX wildcards):

  • *は任意の長さの文字列にマッチします(長さ0の文字列も含みます)。

  • ?は単一の文字にマッチします。

  • [abc]はa、bまたはcのいずれか単一の文字にマッチします。



    特殊ケース: [-a]はハイフンかaのいずれかにマッチし、[^-a]はそれ以外の任意の文字にマッチします。[a^]はキャレット(^)かaのいずれかにマッチします。

  • \(バックスラッシュ)を上記の文字(および\)の前に置くと、それらの文字の特殊な意味がなくなります。

  • * matches any sequence of characters (including a zero-length sequence).

  • ? matches exactly one character.

  • [abc] matches exactly one character which can be a, b, or c.

    [a-z] matches any character in the range a to z.

    [^abc] matches a single character that is not a, b, or c.

    Special cases: [-a] matches a literal hyphen (-) or a; [^-a] matches all other characters. [a^] matches a literal caret (^) or a.

  • \ (backslash) before any of the above characters (or itself) removes that character's special meaning.

ファイル名の先頭のピリオド(.)は特殊な扱いをされません。この点はUnixの場合と異なります。そのため、get *は、先頭がピリオドのファイルも含め全てのファイルを取得します。

A leading period (.) on a filename is not treated specially, unlike in some Unix contexts; get * will fetch all files, whether or not they start with a leading period.

6.2.3 openコマンド: セッションを開始する - 6.2.3 The open command: start a session


If you started PSFTP by double-clicking in the GUI, or just by typing psftp at the command line, you will need to open a connection to an SFTP server before you can issue any other commands (except help and quit).

接続をするにはopen host.nameと入力します。もし、ユーザ名を指定する必要があれば、open user@host.nameと入力します。

To create a connection, type open host.name, or if you need to specify a user name as well you can type open user@host.name.


Once you have issued this command, you will not be able to issue it again, even if the command fails (for example, if you mistype the host name or the connection times out). So if the connection is not opened successfully, PSFTP will terminate immediately.

6.2.4 quitコマンド: セッションを終了する - 6.2.4 The quit command: end your session


When you have finished your session, type the command quit to close the connection, terminate PSFTP and return to the command line (or just close the PSFTP console window if you started it from the GUI).


You can also use the bye and exit commands, which have exactly the same effect.

6.2.5 closeコマンド: 接続を閉じる - 6.2.5 The close command: close your connection


If you just want to close the network connection but keep PSFTP running, you can use the close command. You can then use the open command to open a new connection.

6.2.6 helpコマンド: 簡単なオンラインヘルプを見る - 6.2.6 The help command: get quick online help


If you type help, PSFTP will give a short list of the available commands.

helpに続けてコマンド名を入力した場合(例えば、help get)、PSFTPは入力したコマンドの短いヘルプを表示します。

If you type help with a command name - for example, help get - then PSFTP will give a short piece of help on that particular command.

6.2.7 cd、および、pwdコマンド: リモートの作業ディレクトリを変更する - 6.2.7 The cd and pwd commands: changing the remote working directory

PSFTPにはサーバ上の「作業ディレクトリ」の概念があります。作業ディレクトリは、他のコマンドが動作するデフォルトのディレクトリになります。例えば、get filename.datと入力すると、PSFTPはリモートサーバ上の作業ディレクトリ内のfilename.datを探します。

PSFTP maintains a notion of your ‘working directory’ on the server. This is the default directory that other commands will operate on. For example, if you type get filename.dat then PSFTP will look for filename.dat in your remote working directory on the server.


To change your remote working directory, use the cd command. If you don't provide an argument, cd will return you to your home directory on the server (more precisely, the remote directory you were in at the start of the connection).


To display your current remote working directory, type pwd.

6.2.8 lcd、および、lpwdコマンド: ローカルの作業ディレクトリを変更する - 6.2.8 The lcd and lpwd commands: changing the local working directory

PSFTPにはリモートサーバの作業ディレクトリだけでなく、(ほかのWindowsプロセスと同様に)ローカルマシンの作業ディレクトリもあります。これは各コマンドがデフォルトで使うローカルディレクトリです。例えば、get filename.datと入力すると、PSFTPは実行結果のファイルfilename.datをローカルの作業ディレクトリに保存します。

As well as having a working directory on the remote server, PSFTP also has a working directory on your local machine (just like any other Windows process). This is the default local directory that other commands will operate on. For example, if you type get filename.dat then PSFTP will save the resulting file as filename.dat in your local working directory.


To change your local working directory, use the lcd command. To display your current local working directory, type lpwd.

6.2.9 getコマンド: サーバからファイルを取得する - 6.2.9 The get command: fetch a file from the server


To download a file from the server and store it on your local PC, you use the get command.


In its simplest form, you just use this with a file name:

get myfile.dat


If you want to store the file locally under a different name, specify the local file name after the remote one:

get myfile.dat newname.dat


This will fetch the file on the server called myfile.dat, but will save it to your local machine under the name newname.dat.


To fetch an entire directory recursively, you can use the -r option:

get -r mydir
get -r mydir newname

(ハイフンから始まる名前のファイルを取得するには、--という特殊な引数を使います。この引数から後ろはスイッチとして解釈されなくなります。(例えば、「get -- -silly-name-」。)

(If you want to fetch a file whose name starts with a hyphen, you may have to use the -- special argument, which stops get from interpreting anything as a switch after it. For example, ‘get -- -silly-name-’.)

6.2.10 putコマンド: サーバにファイルを送信する - 6.2.10 The put command: send a file to the server


To upload a file to the server from your local PC, you use the put command.


In its simplest form, you just use this with a file name:

put myfile.dat


If you want to store the file remotely under a different name, specify the remote file name after the local one:

put myfile.dat newname.dat


This will send the local file called myfile.dat, but will store it on the server under the name newname.dat.


To send an entire directory recursively, you can use the -r option:

put -r mydir
put -r mydir newname

(ハイフンから始まる名前のファイルを送信するには、--という特殊な引数を使います。この引数から後ろはスイッチとして解釈されなくなります。(例えば、「put -- -silly-name-」。)

(If you want to send a file whose name starts with a hyphen, you may have to use the -- special argument, which stops put from interpreting anything as a switch after it. For example, ‘put -- -silly-name-’.)

6.2.11 mget、および、mputコマンド: 複数のファイルを取得・送信する - 6.2.11 The mget and mput commands: fetch or send multiple files


mget works almost exactly like get, except that it allows you to specify more than one file to fetch at once. You can do this in two ways:

  • 二つ以上のファイル名を明示的に指定する(「mget file1.txt file2.txt」)。
  • ワイルドカードを使う(「mget *.txt」)。
  • by giving two or more explicit file names (‘mget file1.txt file2.txt’)
  • by using a wildcard (‘mget *.txt’).


Every argument to mget is treated as the name of a file to fetch (unlike get, which will interpret at most one argument like that, and a second argument will be treated as an alternative name under which to store the retrieved file), or a wildcard expression matching more than one file.


The -r and -- options from get are also available with mget.


mput is similar to put, with the same differences.

6.2.12 - reget、および、reputコマンド: ファイル転送を再開する- 6.2.12 The reget and reput commands: resuming file transfers


If a file transfer fails half way through, and you end up with half the file stored on your disk, you can resume the file transfer using the reget and reput commands. These work exactly like the get and put commands, but they check for the presence of the half-written destination file and start transferring from where the last attempt left off.


The syntax of reget and reput is exactly the same as the syntax of get and put:

reget myfile.dat
reget myfile.dat newname.dat
reget -r mydir


These commands are intended mainly for resuming interrupted transfers. They assume that the remote file or directory structure has not changed in any way; if there have been changes, you may end up with corrupted files. In particular, the -r option will not pick up changes to files or directories already transferred in full.

6.2.13 dirコマンド: リモートのファイルを一覧表示する - 6.2.13 The dir command: list remote files


To list the files in your remote working directory, just type dir.


You can also list the contents of a different directory by typing dir followed by the directory name:

dir /home/fred
dir sources


And you can list a subset of the contents of a directory by providing a wildcard:

dir /home/fred/*.txt
dir sources/*.c


The ls command works exactly the same way as dir.

6.2.14 chmodコマンド: リモートのファイルの権限を変更する - 6.2.14 The chmod command: change permissions on remote files


PSFTP allows you to modify the file permissions on files and directories on the server. You do this using the chmod command, which works very much like the Unix chmod command.

chmod modes fileが基本的な文法です。modesは変更後のファイルの権限で、fileは権限を変更するファイルの名前です。複数のファイルのしていやワイルドカードの指定も可能です。例えば以下のようになります。

The basic syntax is chmod modes file, where modes represents a modification to the file permissions, and file is the filename to modify. You can specify multiple files or wildcards. For example:

chmod go-rwx,u+w privatefile
chmod a+r public*
chmod 640 groupfile1 groupfile2


The modes parameter can be a set of octal digits in the Unix style. (If you don't know what this means, you probably don't want to be using it!) Alternatively, it can be a list of permission modifications, separated by commas. Each modification consists of:

  • 変更によって影響を受ける人。u(所有ユーザ)、g(所有グループのメンバ)やo(残り全員。「others」)、あるいは、これらの組み合わせです。また、a(「all」)は全員に影響を与えます。
  • +および-記号。権限を追加するか削除するかです。
  • 実際に追加および削除される権限です。r(ファイルの読み取り権限)、w(ファイルの書き込み権限)、そして、x(ファイルの実行権限。あるいは、ディレクトリの場合、ディレクトリ内のファイルにアクセスするための権限)。
  • The people affected by the modification. This can be u (the owning user), g (members of the owning group), or o (everybody else - ‘others’), or some combination of those. It can also be a (‘all’) to affect everybody at once.
  • A + or - sign, indicating whether permissions are to be added or removed.
  • The actual permissions being added or removed. These can be r (permission to read the file), w (permission to write to the file), and x (permission to execute the file, or in the case of a directory, permission to access files within the directory).


So the above examples would do:

  • 例1: go-rwsは、所有グループのメンバと残り全員から読み取り、書き込みおよび実行権限を削除します。(したがって、ファイルの所有者の権限だけが残ります)。u+wはファイルの所有者に書き込み権限を追加します。
  • 例2: a+rは、「public」で始まるすべてのファイルとディレクトリに読み取り権限を追加します。
  • The first example: go-rwx removes read, write and execute permissions for members of the owning group and everybody else (so the only permissions left are the ones for the file owner). u+w adds write permission for the file owner.
  • The second example: a+r adds read permission for everybody to all files and directories starting with ‘public’.


In addition to all this, there are a few extra special cases for Unix systems. On non-Unix systems these are unlikely to be useful:

  • u+sやu-sを指定すると、Unixのsetuidビットの追加や削除を行えます。通常、これは特別な用途でしか使いません。よくわからない場合、Unixのドキュメントを参照してください。
  • g+sやg-sを指定すると、Unixのsetgidビットの追加や削除を行えます。ファイルの場合、setuidビット同じように動作します(これについてもUnixのドキュメントを参照してください)。ディレクトリの場合、ディレクトリの所有グループのメンバだけが、ディレクトリ内に作成されたファイルにアクセスできるようになります。
  • +tや-tを指定すると、Unixの「スティッキービット」の追加や削除を行えます。ディレクトリに適用すると、ディレクトリ内のファイルの削除をファイルの所有者が行えるようになります(通常の場合、ディレクトリの所有者以外はディレクトリ内のファイルを削除できません)。
  • You can specify u+s and u-s to add or remove the Unix set-user-ID bit. This is typically only useful for special purposes; refer to your Unix documentation if you're not sure about it.
  • You can specify g+s and g-s to add or remove the Unix set-group-ID bit. On a file, this works similarly to the set-user-ID bit (see your Unix documentation again); on a directory it ensures that files created in the directory are accessible by members of the group that owns the directory.
  • You can specify +t and -t to add or remove the Unix ‘sticky bit’. When applied to a directory, this means that the owner of a file in that directory can delete the file (whereas normally only the owner of the directory would be allowed to).
6.2.15 delコマンド: リモートのファイルを削除する - 6.2.15 The del command: delete remote files


To delete a file on the server, type del and then the filename or filenames:

del oldfile.dat
del file1.txt file2.txt
del *.o


Files will be deleted without further prompting, even if multiple files are specified.


del will only delete files. You cannot use it to delete directories; use rmdir for that.


The rm command works exactly the same way as del.

6.2.16 mkdirコマンド: リモートにディレクトリを作成する - 6.2.16 The mkdir command: create remote directories


To create a directory on the server, type mkdir and then the directory name:

mkdir newstuff


You can specify multiple directories to create at once:

mkdir dir1 dir2 dir3
6.2.17 rmdirコマンド: リモートのディレクトリを削除する - 6.2.17 The rmdir command: remove remote directories


To remove a directory on the server, type rmdir and then the directory name or names:

rmdir oldstuff
rmdir *.old ancient


Directories will be deleted without further prompting, even if multiple directories are specified.


Most SFTP servers will probably refuse to remove a directory if the directory has anything in it, so you will need to delete the contents first.
6.2.18 mvコマンド: リモートのファイルの移動と名前の変更を行う - 6.2.18 The mv command: move and rename remote files


To rename a single file on the server, type mv, then the current file name, and then the new file name:

mv oldfile newname


You can also move the file into a different directory and change the name:

mv oldfile dir/newname


To move one or more files into an existing subdirectory, specify the files (using wildcards if desired), and then the destination directory:

mv file dir
mv file1 dir1/file2 dir2
mv *.c *.h ..


The rename and ren commands work exactly the same way as mv.

6.2.19 !コマンド: ローカルのWindowsコマンドを実行する - 6.2.19 The ! command: run a local Windows command


You can run local Windows commands using the ! command. This is the only PSFTP command that is not subject to the command quoting rules given in section 6.2.1. If any command line begins with the ! character, then the rest of the line will be passed straight to Windows without further translation.


For example, if you want to move an existing copy of a file out of the way before downloading an updated version, you might type:

psftp> !ren myfile.dat myfile.bak
psftp> get myfile.dat


using the Windows ren command to rename files on your local PC.

<< 6.1 PSFTPを始める - 目次に戻る - 6.3 PSFTPで公開キー認証を使う >>