(PuTTYユーザマニュアル) 1.2 SSH、Telnet、そしてRolginにはどのような違いがあるか? - 1.2 How do SSH, Telnet and Rlogin differ?

http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/0.60/htmldoc/Chapter1.html#which-oneの日本語訳です。<< 1.1 SSH、Telnet、そしてRloginとは何か? - 目次に戻る - 2章: Puttyを始める >>



This list summarises some of the differences between SSH, Telnet and Rlogin.

  • SSH(「セキュアシェル」の意味)は最近作られた、安全性の高いプロトコルです。接続の盗聴やハイジャック等の攻撃を防ぐために、強力な暗号を使います。TelnetとRloginはどちらも古いプロトコルで、安全性はほとんどありません。
  • SSHとRloginのどちらも、パスワードを入力せずにサーバへログインできます。(Rloginの方法は安全でなく、攻撃者はサーバ上でアカウントにアクセスできます。SSHの方法はずっと安全で、セキュリティを破るには通常、攻撃者がクライアントマシンへ直接アクセスできる必要があります。)
  • SSHでは、サーバへ接続、コマンドの送信、サーバでのコマンドの実行、および切断を自動的に行えます。これを使えば、自動的に処理を行うことができます。
  • SSH (which stands for ‘secure shell’) is a recently designed, high-security protocol. It uses strong cryptography to protect your connection against eavesdropping, hijacking and other attacks. Telnet and Rlogin are both older protocols offering minimal security.
  • SSH and Rlogin both allow you to log in to the server without having to type a password. (Rlogin's method of doing this is insecure, and can allow an attacker to access your account on the server. SSH's method is much more secure, and typically breaking the security requires the attacker to have gained access to your actual client machine.)
  • SSH allows you to connect to the server and automatically send a command, so that the server will run that command and then disconnect. So you can use it in automated processing.


The Internet is a hostile environment and security is everybody's responsibility. If you are connecting across the open Internet, then we recommend you use SSH. If the server you want to connect to doesn't support SSH, it might be worth trying to persuade the administrator to install it.


If your client and server are both behind the same (good) firewall, it is more likely to be safe to use Telnet or Rlogin, but we still recommend you use SSH.

<< 1.1 SSH、Telnet、そしてRloginとは何か? - 目次に戻る - 2章: Puttyを始める >>